UBB Student i-Lab Business incubator for students
Experiment and Innovate by providing solutions to real challenges
You have access to knowledge, events, resources, services, and programs designed to provide specialized support in the process of ideation, exploration, launch, and support of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial concepts to address real societal problems.
Join us to experiment together !
You have access to mentors, professionals, and faculty members who will assist you in the process of ideation and validation of your business concept.

Launch a Startup!
Turn your business plans into reality
The incubator will provide students interested in entrepreneurship the opportunity to identify partners who can complement their knowledge and expertise, by offering a suitable framework for promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.
UBB Student i-Lab
Contributes to the development of tomorrow's entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial leaders.
Provides the necessary framework for the commercialization of inventions.
Offers sustainable and competitive programs at both the national and international levels.
Ensures UBB students have access to interdisciplinary programs and competitions.

What we offer:

Thematic Meetings
Validate the knowledge acquired alongside practitioners and entrepreneurs from different fields and identify potential collaborators and mentors.

Incubation Program
Applied courses for developing the business concept and the necessary skills to launch a successful venture.

Access to international experts who will facilitate an understanding of new trends and share their experiences in international markets.