Start-up Mindset și Lean Strat-up
Modul 1.Start-up mindset – Dezvoltarea mentalităţii de start-up și psihologia succesului– Valorificarea eșecului în afaceri de succes– Importanța mindset-ului în călătoria antreprenorială Modul 2.Lean Start-up – Cunoașterea elementelor definitorii ale unui start-up de succes– Experimentarea, testarea și actualizarea conceptului de business– Customer Discovery
Lean Startup Methodology
Investigate, experiment, validate, and iterate success with Richard Glaser! FSEGA Campus, Room 120, Et 1
Workshop 1: Lean Startup – The Method to Take an Idea and Make It Into a Business
FSEGA Campus, Room 120, Floor 1
Workshop 2: Lean Startup – The Method to Take an Idea and Make It Into a Business
FSEGA Campus, Room 120, Floor 1
Mr. Richard Glaser will present in CEBSS the topic „Building an entrepreneurial ecosystem”
Campus FSEGA, Room 118
Modulul 4.Value Proposition Design _Programul de Incubare
Modul 4.Value Proposition Design – Dezvoltarea unor propuneri de valoare unice și atractive– Dobândirea unor abilități practice pentru a transforma și îmbunătăți valoarea oferită de produsele sau serviciile propuse de participanții din programul de incubare– Conturarea unei strategii de afaceri cu impact
Consultancy with Richard Glaser
Mr. Richard Glaser will select three teams based on their participation in the course/workshops and provide assistance for their business concept or startup. Each team will have a 20-minute session for this purpose. FSEGA Campus, Room 120, Floor 1
ASPER-HUJI Innovate (Zoom Event
The presentation will highlight:
Myths about Innovation, and why students should care! (i-Lab Zoom
The course will highlight 8 myths about innovation and it will provide the opportunity to students to learn about best practices and priorities they should focus on during the innovation process. Eveniment on-line i-Lab Zoom
Networking event with OSE, OST & RATIO
FSEGA, sala A2
The Idea Thickening Method – Prof. Mark Wilson
FSEGA, Room 120A course that provides participants with a method of idea prioritization that optimizes the feasibility of a business concept. To understand the following modules, participation in this initial module is required.