Within the UBB Student i-Lab community, challenges are viewed as opportunities for learning and growth. Recently, students embraced a unique challenge, having the opportunity to partake in the intensive courses offered by Professor James Hazy from Adelphi University in New York, USA. This experience has unveiled new perspectives for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The experience of distinguished Professor James Hazy proved to be of substantial benefit to students at the early stages of their entrepreneurial journey. Over the course of four days, students were guided through the entrepreneurial landscape, delving into various aspects of this field in an interactive and engaging manner. The course and three experiential learning seminars were centered on the APPRECIATION Algorithm, a tool that significantly contributes to enhancing synergy among individuals, thus facilitating team-level coordination processes. Consequently, students had the opportunity to experience and comprehend the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams and multi-team systems.

Aceste inițiative sunt extrem de valoroase pentru comunitatea i-Lab și vom continua să aducem speakeri internaționali de prestigiu care să ghideze tinerii antreprenori. Viitorul antreprenoriatului este luminos și plin de oportunități, iar studenții din cadrul UBB Student i-Lab sunt gata să facă față provocărilor și să-și transforme visurile în realitate.

Impressions regarding his visit can be viewed on Prof. James Hazy Linkedin