The programs offered by UBB Student i-Lab are:
- The Incubation program: involves offering courses based on a set of modules that provide access to the necessary knowledge to develop a successful business concept, both in the Romanian market and internationally. The instructors are mainly practitioners who present theoretical aspects from their expertise in business development.
- The internationalization program: offers access to courses and workshops conducted by international guests who operate in structures similar to the UBB Student i-Lab, as well as by foreign businesspeople who operate in the international market.
- Thematic meetings: offers students the opportunity to interact with local entrepreneurs and successful businesspeople, who will share their experiences and lessons learned related to the fields in which they operate in the Romanian market.
The three programs will allow students to access content based on the stage of development of the business idea and their level of expertise. In addition to the three programs, students will have access to mentoring sessions with relevant stakeholders to gain a realistic perspective on the targeted market.
Testarea și validarea conceptelor se va realiza atât pe parcusul programelor, prin intermediul sesiunilor de pitching, cât și la finalul semestrului, în cadrul competiției “Demo Day UBB Student i-Lab”. This final evaluation will allow the business concept to be validated by nationally and internationally renowned practitioners and specialists.
To register your intention to participate in the program, please fill out the form până la data de 5 Martie 2025, ora 23.59.
În 6 Martie 2025, ora 13.00, sala 120 din campusul FSEGA vom avea o întâlnire în cadrul căreia vom discuta toate detaliile.
Feel free to join us!