Modulul 4.Value Proposition Design _Programul de Incubare

Modul 4.Value Proposition Design – Dezvoltarea unor propuneri de valoare unice și atractive– Dobândirea unor abilități practice pentru a transforma și îmbunătăți valoarea oferită de produsele sau serviciile propuse de participanții din programul de incubare– Conturarea unei strategii de afaceri cu impact

Consultancy with Richard Glaser

Mr. Richard Glaser will select three teams based on their participation in the course/workshops and provide assistance for their business concept or startup. Each team will have a 20-minute session for this purpose. FSEGA Campus, Room 120, Floor 1

The Idea Thickening Method – Prof. Mark Wilson

FSEGA, Room 120

A course that provides participants with a method of idea prioritization that optimizes the feasibility of a business concept. To understand the following modules, participation in this initial module is required.

Customize Your Own Idea Filter – Prof. Mark Wilson

FSEGA, Room 120

Participants will have the opportunity to create their own idea prioritization system based on the targeted business concept. During the session, participants will experiment with how to establish and calibrate evaluation criteria to select the best solutions

Using a Filter To Prioritize Action – Prof. Mark Wilson

FSEGA, Room 120

During the module, there will be a mock pitch where participants, using a given Idea Filter, will play an active role as investors analyzing, debating, establishing future strategies, and prioritizing short-term actions regarding the presented concept

Technology Coach Simulation – Prof. Mark Wilson

FSEGA, Room 120

Starting from a hypothetical scenario, participants act as consultants to apply "The Idea Thickening Method" with the aim of analyzing the best technologies to commercialize. This workshop provides participants with the opportunity to experiment with the studied methodology, allowing them to test their creativity, pragmatism, and ability to perform under time pressure


UBB Student i-Lab: experimentează și transformă viitorul

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