On February 8, 2024, the "National Conference OFA UGIR - Redefining Romania's Role in the New European Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for the Private Sector" took place. The discussions focused on aspects aimed at supporting the competitiveness of the private sector, through the stimulation of innovation and digitalization, the development of research and innovation infrastructure, the transition to a green and digital economy. Professor Daniel David, Rector of Babeș-Bolyai University, highlighted how entrepreneurship can contribute to positive change through the implementation of responsible and sustainable practices, supporting innovation and sustainable development. He also spoke about how associative structures of the private sector can support the general public in the fight against illiberalism, authoritarianism, populism, extremism, and discrimination by promoting democratic values, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, organizing awareness campaigns and civic education, facilitating dialogue between the business environment and civil society, and promoting best practices in combating intolerance and discrimination.

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof. Daniel David, Ph.D., Rector of "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca
  • Elena Badea, Managing Director of Valoria Business Solutions


  • Norma-Nathalie Nițescu, Policy Adviser European Semester Officer, European Commission in Romania
  • Csilla Hegedüs, Interim General Director of the North-West Regional Development Agency
  • Dr. Corina Murafa, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee and of the CES Romania
  • Associate Professor Dr. habil Cătălina Crișan, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca.
  • Lucia Nora Morariu, Founder and President of EXIMTUR
  • Andrei Mocan, SVP of Delivery & Managing Director at Blankfactor Romania

More details can be found within the posts on Linkedin and Facebook OFA UGIR