Student Organizations

Organizația studenților economiști

The Organization of Economic Students (OSE) is a student organization with 19 years of experience, aiming to defend the rights of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Cluj-Napoca. At the same time, one of the organization's objectives is to increase student involvement in extracurricular activities, provide opportunities that complement the practical side of what is learned in school, and train future leaders in the professional environment. Through various initiatives, it aims to offer students a flexible and beneficial environment to participate in training sessions, conferences, and projects throughout the year, helping them to develop both their theoretical and practical knowledge.

Buda Paula 
Third-year student in the Economics and International Business specialization and Vice President for External-Educational Affairs within the Organization of Economic Students.

Organizația studenților pentru turismul românesc

Passion for tourism, adventure, and dedicated people—these are a few words that define OST - the Organization of Students for Romanian Tourism.

Born out of the love for Romanian tourism from a group of students within the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the OST family was founded in 2007. Since then, our volunteers have been on a mission to carry on the tradition and share their passion through meaningful projects.

OST is more than just an organization that promotes tourism; it is a community of friends, a united family that shares the same passion for tourism.

"To travel is to live," said Hans Christian Andersen once, and we, the Organization of Students for Romanian Tourism, live life to the fullest by daring to discover as many beauties of Romania as we can.

Bianca Crăciun
Third-year student in the International Economics and Business specialization, member of the Financial Department of the Organization.

Organizația studenților contabili

The Association of Accounting Students RATIO is the first association of accounting students in Transylvania, addressing the need for training and information in the field of accounting. It provides access to high-quality information, focuses on personal development in a non-formal context, and on the development of professional skills.

RATIO has been present in the academic environment and student life since 2012. Since then, the Association of Accounting Students RATIO has contributed, through the projects and events it organizes, to the development of students, the creation of strong connections with business partners, and, implicitly, to increasing the employability rate of young students among top companies in Romania.

Simon Eduard Rareș
First-year student in Economic Informatics and member of the Human Resources Department within RATIO.

Sârbu Briana
Student in the 2nd year, specialization Business Administration in German.

Catană Dragoș
Student in the 1st year, Management specialization English line and member of FSEGA Investment Club